3.8 Million Dollars from the Export of Plantation Related Crops and 1.3 Million Dollars from Tea Export in year 2021.
An inauguration meeting of the Islandwide programme to make aware those who are involved in Tea Industry of Quality Tea Plucking and Production Process was held on 31.08.2022 at Apegama in Battaramulla under the auspices of Hon Minister of Plantation Industries Dr. Ramesh Pathirana.
This was organized in collboration with Sri Lanka Tea Board, Tea Research Institute and Team Small Holding Development Authority.
“The issue related to fertilizers can be pointed out as the biggest crisis faced in the recent history of the tea industry in Sri Lanka and accordingly, we have clearly understood the possible damage to the name of Ceylon tea and in the future we will be able to maintain the strength of the tea cultivation industry by managing these issues” stated hon. Minister.
It was further stated that the main problem faced at present is the lack of leaf yield as well as the great lack of quality in the tea we produce and that many different programs have been implemented in the last two years to overcome those conditions but they also faced various challenges. The Honorable Minister further stated that therefore, we should pay more attention to giving value to high quality plants, proper fertilizer supply, plant maintenance, soil erosion prevention and water management and also proper leaf plucking and transportation to promote the quality of tea.
The secretary of the Ministry of Plantation Industries, the presidents, directors of the respective institutions and the regional level officers of the respective institutions were also present a tthis occasion.